Abstract | Stražnji sindrom sraza lakta stanje je koje se najčešće pojavljuje u sportaša i manualnih radnika uslijed ponavljajućeg izvođenja pokreta koji dovodi do hiperekstenzije lakta. Oštećenje koje pritom nastaje očituje se pojavom boli u stražnjem dijelu lakta s postupnim sve većim gubitkom mogućnosti potpunog ispružanja lakta što značajno utječe kako na kvalitetu života bolesnika tako i na mogućnost bavljenja sportom. Ako simptomi stražnjega sraza lakta ustraju unatoč višemjesečnoj primjeni konzervativnih metoda liječenja savjetuje se provesti kirurško liječenje. Hipoteza ovoga istraživanja jest da će se bolesnici sa stražnjim sindromom sraza lakta nakon artroskopskog zahvata uspješno vratiti sportskim aktivnostima kojima su se bavili prije zahvata. Glavni ciljevi ovoga istraživanja bili su usporediti rezultate dobivene upitnikom kojeg su sastavili Timmerman i Andrews prije i nakon učinjenog artroskopskog zahvata na laktu , odnosno modificiranim Andrewsovim upitnikom nakon zahvata, s rezultatima drugih istraživanja. U razdoblju između 1. siječnja 2017. i 31. prosinca 2022. u Klinici za ortopediju Kliničkog bolničkog centra Zagreb i Medicinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu u 10 je bolesnika načinjena artroskopija lakta zbog stražnjega sindroma sraza. Devetero bolesnika pristalo je sudjelovati u istraživanju. Duljina praćenja bolesnika prosječno je iznosila 23,89 mjeseci (raspon 6-67). Osam (88,9%) bolesnika nastavilo se baviti sportom bez ograničenja dok se jedan (11,1%) bolesnik nastavio baviti sportom uz ograničenje te je hipoteza istraživanja potvrđena. Medijan broja bodova ostvarenih na upitniku kojeg su sastavili Timmerman i Andrews iznosio je 155 bodova prije zahvata, dok je nakon zahvata porastao na 195 bodova što je statistički značajno (p=0,004) poboljšanje funkcije lakta. Medijan broja bodova ostvarenih na modificiranom Andrewsovom upitniku iznosio je 100 bodova te je funkcija lakta ocijenjena kao izvrsna u osam (88,9%) bolesnika. Artroskopski je zahvat u svih ispitanika protekao bez komplikacija, a niti tijekom poslijeoperacijskog razdoblja nije zabilježena pojava komplikacija. Rezultati provedenog istraživanja, kao i spoznaje iz literature, pokazuju da se sindrom stražnjega sraza lakta može uspješno i sigurno liječiti artroskopskim zahvatom. |
Abstract (english) | Posterior impingement syndrome of the elbow is a condition that most commonly occurs in athletes and manual laborers due to repetitive movements leading to elbow hyperextension. The resulting damage manifests as pain in the posterior aspect of the elbow with a gradual, progressive loss of full extension of the elbow, significantly impacting both the patients' quality of life and their ability to engage in sports activities. If symptoms of posterior impingement persist despite several months of conservative treatment, surgical treatment is advised. The hypothesis of this research is that patients with posterior impingement syndrome of the elbow will successfully return to their preoperative sports activities following arthroscopic surgery. The main objectives of this study were to compare the results obtained from the questionnaire developed by Timmerman and Andrews before and after arthroscopic elbow surgery, and from modified Andrews questionnaire completed after the procedure, with the results from other studies. Between January 1, 2017, and December 31, 2022, ten patients underwent elbow arthroscopy for posterior impingement syndrome at the Department of Orthopedic Surgery, University Hospital Centre Zagreb and the School of Medicine, University of Zagreb. Nine patients agreed to participate in the study. The average follow-up period was 23.89 months (range 6-67). Eight patients (88.9%) resumed sports activities without limitations, while one patient (11.1%) continued with sports activities but with some restrictions, confirming the research hypothesis. The median score on the questionnaire developed by Timmerman and Andrews was 155 points before the procedure, which increased to 195 points after the surgery, indicating a statistically significant (p=0.004) improvement in elbow function. The median score on the modified Andrews questionnaire was 100 points, indicating excellent elbow function in eight patients (88.9%). The arthroscopic procedure was performed without complications in all participants, and no complications were recorded during the postoperative period. The results of this study, along with findings from the literature, demonstrate that posterior impingement syndrome of the elbow can be successfully and safely treated with arthroscopic surgery. |