Title Prijelomi kostiju potkoljenice u djece
Title (english) Lower leg fractures in children
Author Ivana Brozović
Mentor Anko Antabak (mentor)
Committee member Ivan Dobrić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tomislav Meštrović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Anko Antabak (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine (Department of Surgery) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2015-07-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Surgery
Abstract Osnovu potkoljenice čine dvije duge kosti, goljenična (lat. tibia) i lisna (lat. fibula). Goljenična kost je povezana s lisnom preko međukoštane opne formirajući posebnu vrstu zgloba, sindesmozu (mogući tek minimalni pokreti). Prijelomi goljenične i lisne kosti su treći najčešći prijelomi dugih kostiju u djece nakon prijeloma palčane/lakatne i prijeloma bedrene kosti. Najčešći su prijelomi u području distalne trećine goljenične kosti. Prijelomi proksimalne i srednje trećine su puno rjeđi. Dijagnostički postupci koji se koriste kod tih prijeloma uključuju fizikalni pregled i rendgensko snimanje. Cilj ovog rada je analizirati pojavnost najčešćih mjesta i aktivnosti koja su prethodila prijelomu kostiju potkoljenice u djece. U ovu retrospektivnu studiju uključeno je 104 djece starosti do 18 godina života, liječenih u Kliničkom bolničkom centru Zagreb, zbog prijeloma kostiju potkoljenice. Uzrok i mjesto nastanka ozljeda šifrirani su pomoću MKB 10 klasifikacije, a dobivene šifre su grupirane kako bi se dobile skupine dovoljno velike za analizu uzroka prijeloma i mjesta na kojem se dogodio prijelom. Od 104-ero djece, 70,2% otpada na dječake, a 29,8% na djevojčice. Najviše ozlijeđenih bilo je u dobi od 10 do 18 godina. Najčešće mjesto ozljeđivanja bilo je rekreacijsko mjesto (39%), zatim ulica ili cesta (37%), zatim kod kuće (14%), te škola ili vrtić (10%). Sva djeca liječena su bolnički i prosječno su rendgenski snimana 2,8 puta. Na prijelome goljenične kosti otpadalo je 55%, udružene prijelome obje kosti potkoljenice 38%, te 7% na prijelome lisne kosti. Najčešće su prijelomi bili posljedica padova (62%), zatim sudara u prometu (24%) te izravna posljedica udarca (14%). Rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazuju da su prijelomi kostiju potkoljenice u djece najčešće posljedica nesretnih slučajeva kod sportskih aktivnosti na rekreacijskom mjestu. Na temelju dobivenih rezultata možemo zaključiti da bi se prevencijom padova prilikom sportskih aktivnosti u rekreacijskim centrima mogla smanjiti pojavnost ozljeda kostiju potkoljenice u djece. U tu svrhu potrebno je povećati nadzor nad djecom prilikom bavljenja sportom.
Abstract (english) Lower leg consists of two long bones, shinbone (lat. tibia) and calf bone (lat. fibula). The shinbone is connected to the calf bone by the interosseous membrane of leg, forming a special type of joint, a syndesmosis (allowed very little movement). Shinbone and calf bone fractures are the third most common paediatric long bone injuries after radial/elbow and thigh bone fractures. The most frequent are the distal third shinbone fractures. Proximal and mid-third fractures are much less common. Diagnostic procedures used for those fractures are physical examination and x-ray. The purpose of this thesis is to analyse which are the most frequent sites of lower leg injury in children and what is the most frequent activity that precedes the injury. This retrospective study included 104 children up to 18 years of age, treated at the University Hospital Centre of Medicine Zagreb, for lower leg fractures. The cause and location of the injury is encrypted by ICD 10 classification, and the resulting codes are grouped in order to obtain sufficiently large groups for analysis of the causes of fracture, and the place where the fracture occurred. Out of 104 children, 70,2% were boys and 29,8% girls. Most of the injured were 10 - 18 years of age. The most frequent site of injury was at the recreational place (39%), then the street or road (37%), then at home (14%), and the least frequent at school or in kindergarten (10%). All children had hospital treatment and were x-rayed 2,8 times in average. The fractures of shinbone accounted for 55%, combined fractures of both lower leg bones for 38% and calf bone fractures accounted for 7% of the total number of injuries. The most common fractures were a result of falls (62%), then traffic accidents (24%) and a direct result of the kick (14%). The results of this study show that the lower leg fractures in children are most commonly result of accidents in sport activities at recreational place. Based on the obtained results we can conclude that the prevention of falls during sport activities at recreation centers could reduce the incidence of injury of lower leg in children. For this purpose, it is necessary to increase the supervision of children during sport activities.
Keywords (english)
lower leg
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:905927
Study programme Title: Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2016-08-08 07:50:57