Abstract | Jedan od vodećih javnozdravstvenih izazova danas u svijetu i u Republici Hrvatskoj su kronične
nezarazne bolesti, a zadnjih je godina sve izraženiji interes međunarodne zajednice da se izrade i
provode programi temeljeni na ranom otkrivanju, liječenju i rehabilitaciji oboljelih. Republika Hrvatska
je također donijela niz političkih i strateških dokumenata i razvila nacionalne programe usklađene s
međunarodnim strategijama i akcijskim planovima. Među kroničnim nezaraznim bolestima posebno
brzo raste problem malignih oboljenja, posebno rak dojke, pluća, debelog crijeva, prostate, kože i želuca.
Europska komisija donijela je preporuke za pripremu i provedbu mjera i aktivnosti sekundarne
prevencije, tj. organiziranog ranog otkrivanja raka/probira za tri sijela raka (dojke, vrata maternice u
žena i debelog crijeva u oba spola), s ciljem obuhvata 90% ciljne populacije do 2025. godine. Dolazak
osoba pod rizikom na rani pregled preduvjet su uspješnosti programa, a svrha rada je doprinijeti
prepoznavanju i razumijevanju čimbenika koji utječu na (ne)odaziv populacije na nacionalne
preventivne program. Odlazak na pregled (probir) dio je zdravstvenog ponašanja pojedinca, a ciljevi
ovog rada temelje se na pregledu dostupne literature o demografskim, socioekonomskim,
psihosocijalnim, kognitivnim i drugim čimbenicima koji utječu na odaziv na programe probira. Od rada
se očekuje i doprinos razumijevanju povezanosti teorija zdravstvenog ponašanja s odazivom na
programe ranog otkrivanja raka dojke, vrata maternice i debelog crijeva. Metoda rada bila je
pretraživanje dostupne literature ključnim riječima, a dobiveni rezultati ukazuju na razlike u praksi
provođenja programa prema sijelima raka i prema mjestima provođenja programa. U zaključku ovog
preglednog rada navodi se kako je potrebno kontinuirano istraživati i pratiti čimbenike koji utječu na
dolazak na organizirane programe ranog otkrivanja raka na međunarodnoj, nacionalnoj i lokalnoj razini
jer su oni osnova planiranja i provedbe učinkovitih i djelotvornih programa. |
Abstract (english) | One of the most prominent public health challenges that the Republic of Croatia and the world
face today are chronic noncommunicable diseases. In recent years, the international community
has shown growing interest in the development and implementation of programs for early
detection, treatment, and rehabilitation. The Republic of Croatia has also enforced a series of
political and strategic acts and developed national programs in line with international strategies
and action plans. Among chronic non-communicable diseases, the problem of malignant
diseases has been growing rapidly, especially breast cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer, prostate
cancer, skin cancer, and stomach cancer. The European Commission has recommended the
preparation and implementation of secondary prevention measures, i.e., organized early cancer
detection/screening programs for three types of cancer (breast cancer, cervical cancer, and colon
cancer in both sexes), with the goal of covering 90% of the target population by 2025. The
participation of persons at risk in early screenings is a prerequisite for the success of those
programs. The purpose of this work is to contribute to the recognition and deepen the
understanding of the factors that influence the population’s (non)attendance in national
preventive programs. Having examinations (screenings) is part of an individual health
behaviour, and the aim of this paper is based on a review of available bibliography on the
demographic, socioeconomic, psychosocial, cognitive, and other factors influencing screening
program attendance. This paper also aims to contribute to the understanding of the link between
health behaviour theories and attendance in early detection programs for breast, cervical, and
colon cancers respectively. The research method involved scanning the available bibliography
using keywords, and the results indicated differences in the implementation of programs
according to cancer types and program locations. In conclusion, this work emphasizes the need
for continuous research and the monitoring of factors which affect participation in organized
early cancer detection programs at the international, national, and local levels, as they are the
basis for the planning and implementation of effective programs. |