Title Hitna stanja u reumatologiji
Title (english) Rheumatologic emergencies
Author Paula Majić
Mentor Marina Ikić Matijašević (mentor)
Committee member Marija Bakula (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Vuković Brinar (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marina Ikić Matijašević (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine (Department of Internal Medicine) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2024-07-12, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences
Abstract Ovaj diplomski rad opisuje hitna stanja u reumatologiji, naglašavajući teške komplikacije koje
ova stanja mogu izazvati ako se ne liječe pravovremeno i učinkovito. Stanja o kojima se
raspravlja su atlantoaksijalna subluksacija, katastrofalni antifosfolipidni sindrom, sindrom
aktivacije makrofaga, pulmonalno-renalni sindrom, septički artritis, sklerodermijska bubrežna
kriza, vaskulitis središnjeg živčanog sustava i neonatalni lupus. Svako od ovih stanja poznato
je po svom potencijalu izazivanja ozbiljnih i po život opasnih komplikacija.
Atlantoaksijalna subluksacija može dovesti do neuroloških problema zbog dislokacije prvog i
drugog kralješka vratne kralježnice, dok katastrofalni antifosfolipidni sindrom obilježavaju
multiple organske disfunkcije uzrokovane mikrotrombozama u malim krvnim žilama. Sindrom
aktivacije makrofaga karakterizira nekontrolirana aktivacija imunološkog sustava i naknadno
hiperinflamatorno stanje, a pulmonalno-renalni sindrom je karakteriziran istovremenim
difuznim alveolarnim krvarenjem i brzoprogredirajućim glomerulonefritisom. Septički artritis je
infekcija zgloba koja može brzo dovesti do propadanja zglobne hrskavice i trajnih oštećenja
zgloba, dok sklerodermijska bubrežna kriza uzrokuje akutno zatajenje bubrega kod pacijenata
sa sistemskom sklerozom. CNS vaskulitis je upalna bolest krvnih žila u središnjem živčanom
sustavu koja može izazvati ozbiljne neurološke simptome. Neonatalni lupus, autoimuna bolest
koja se javlja kod novorođenčadi majki s autoimunim bolestima, može uzrokovati kožne,
hematološke i srčane probleme.
Rad se usredotočuje na važnost prepoznavanja ozbiljnosti simptoma, nužnost rane i precizne
dijagnoze te primjenu obuhvatnih strategija upravljanja koje su ključne za osiguranje
preživljavanja i oporavka pacijenata.
Abstract (english) Here, we describe emergency conditions in the field of rheumatology, emphasizing the severe
complications that these conditions can cause if not treated promptly and effectively. The
thesis discusses conditions such as atlantoaxial subluxation, macrophage activation
syndrome, pulmonary-renal syndrome, septic arthritis, scleroderma renal crisis, central
nervous system vasculitis, and neonatal lupus. Each of these conditions is known for its
potential to cause serious and life-threatening complications.
Atlantoaxial subluxation can lead to neurological problems due to the dislocation of the first
and second cervical vertebrae, while catastrophic antiphospholipid syndrome is characterized
by multiple organ dysfunction caused by microthromboses in small blood vessels.
Macrophage activation syndrome is characterized by uncontrolled activation of the immune
system and a subsequent hyperinflammatory state, while pulmonary-renal syndrome is
characterized by simultaneous diffuse alveolar hemorrhage and rapidly progressive
glomerulonephritis. Septic arthritis is a joint infection that can lead to joint cartilage
deterioration and permanent joint damage, whereas scleroderma renal crisis causes acute
renal failure in patients with systemic sclerosis. CNS vasculitis is an inflammatory disease of
the central nervous system blood vessels that can cause severe neurological symptoms.
Neonatal lupus, an autoimmune disease that affects newborns of mothers with autoimmune
diseases, can cause skin, hematological, and cardiac problems.
This master's thesis focuses on the importance of recognizing the severity of symptoms, the
necessity of early and accurate diagnosis, and the application of comprehensive management
strategies that are crucial for ensuring patient survival and recovery.
hitna stanja
klinička slika
Keywords (english)
emergency conditions
clinical picture
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:646711
Study programme Title: Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2024-06-27 11:46:22