Abstract | MSS sastoji se od mišića, kostiju, zglobova, tetiva, ligamenata i ostalih vezivnih tkiva. Kosti oblikuju skelet, a zajedno sa zglobovma čine pasivni dio sustava organa za kretanje, koji se pokreće djelovanjem aktivnoga dijela sustava orga na za kretanje, mišićima. Evaluacija muskuloskeletnog sustava i njegovih patoloških zbivanja, kao i drugih sustava, započinje dobrom anamnezom. Ona se sastoji od razloga dolaska, slijedi obiteljska i osobna anamneza, sadašnja bolest, fiziološke funkcijame i navike, terapija, težina bolesta, socijalna i radna anamnezi. Zatim slijedi klinički pregled koji se uvijek sastoji od: inspekcije, palpacije, ispitivanja opsega pokreta, ispitivanja snage i specijalnih, odnosno provokacijskih testova. Najčešće korištene slikovne metode u evaluaciji muskuloskeletnog sustava su: standardna radiografija, ultrazvuk, magnetska rezonancija i komjuterizirana tomografija. Radiografija je najčešće korištena slikovna metoda u evaluaciji muskuloskeletnog sustava. Informacije o starosti pacijenta, spolu, zanimanju i drugim kliničkim nalazima tokom analize rezultata slikovnih metoda pomažu u postavljanju dijagnoze. |
Abstract (english) | The musculoskeletal system (MSS) consists of muscles, bones, joints, tendons, ligaments, and other connective tissues. The bones form the skeleton, and together with the joints, they make up the passive part of the locomotor system, which is moved by the action of the active part of the locomotor system, the muscles. Evaluation of the musculoskeletal system and its pathological conditions, as well as other systems, begins with a good medical history. This includes the reason for the visit, followed by family and personal history, current illness, physiological functions and habits, therapy, severity of the illness, and social and occupational history. Next, a clinical examination is performed, which always consists of: inspection, palpation, range of motion testing, strength testing, and special or provocative tests. The most commonly used imaging methods in the evaluation of the musculoskeletal system are: standard radiography, ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and computed tomography (CT). Radiography is the most frequently used imaging method in the evaluation of the musculoskeletal system. Information about the patient's age, sex, occupation, and other clinical findings during the analysis of imaging results helps in making a diagnosis. Key words: musculoskeletal system, clinical examination, imaging methods |