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Lorna Stemberger Marić (list of objects)
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Authoring papers
Epidemiological and clinical features of Croatian children and adolescents with a PCR-confirmed coronavirus disease 2019: differences between the first and second epidemic wave
Krajcar, Nina; Stemberger Marić, Lorna; Šurina, Anja; Kurečić Filipović, Sanja; Trkulja, Vladimir; Roglić, Srđan; Tešović, Goran
Paper published in journal / Scientific paper - Original scientific paper
Publication: 31.12.2020.
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Enteroadsorbent Polymethylsiloxane Polyhydrate vs. Probiotic Lactobacillus reuteri DSM 17938 in the Treatment of Rotaviral Gastroenteritis in Infants and Toddlers, a Randomized Controlled Trial
Markovinović, Leo; Knezović, Ivica; Kniewald, Tihana; Stemberger Marić, Lorna; Trkulja, Vladimir; Tešović, Goran
Paper published in journal / Scientific paper - Original scientific paper
Publication: 21.12.2020.
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Kemokini CXCL10, CXCL11 i CXCL13 u aseptičnom meningitisu, neuroboreliozi i akutnom diseminiranom encefalomijelitisu u djece
Stemberger Marić, Lorna
Doctoral thesis
Defence date: 24.03.2017.
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Supervised papers (committee)
Profilaktična primjena antibiotika u djece s vezikoureteralnim refluksom
Đevenica, Martin
Master's thesis
Defence date: 12.07.2024.
Function: predsjednik povjerenstva
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