Comparison of opinions on invasive and noninvasive esthetic procedures between Croatian and French population
Caroline France Virginie Vaslon In modern society, the obsession with a young and beautiful appearance has become ordinary and has resulted in an upswing in cosmetic procedures trying to reverse the aging process. During these last few years, the evolution on this topic has expanded and the requirement of the patient for interventions increased exponentially. Different techniques were developed in order to meet the growing demand. The purpose of this cross-sectional study was to explore, in the general population, the...
Comparison of treatment options of uveitis in juvenile idiopathic arthritis
Nataša Basrak Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is the most common chronic rheumatologic disease in children and it affects approximately 1 in 1000 children worldwide. Children with JIA have an increased risk for uveitis and as many as 10-30% of children with JIA will develop uveitis. Severe or untreated uveitis can lead to long term complications and consequences, including cataracts, glaucoma and blindness; therefore treatment is of utmost importance. Topical corticosteroids and systemic...
Complex open and endovascular reconstructions of aorta and its branches
Maor Meir Pichadze The aorta is the largest blood vessel in the human body, responsible for supplying blood for the systemic circulation and enabling the blood supply to the organs via its branches. Aortic diseases are of major global concern since the history of humankind, though, their significance is even more pronounced nowadays in developed countries, due to the additive and synergistic effects of natural physiologic factors combined with various risk factors that emerged with the transition to the...
Complications of anesthesia
Tea Stipetić Anesthesiology is a specialty in which the use of medications in gaseous or liquid form
causes loss of consciousness, amnesia, analgesia, inhibition of autonomic reflexes,
and skeletal muscle relaxation. It is one of the most challenging specialties in
medicine. Anesthesia carries a certain risk, but with the expansion of knowledge,
enhancement of technology, and new drugs the risk has been reduced dramatically.
Mortality that can be ascribed purely to anesthetics is uncommon. Rather,
Congenital ascites in newborns
Genta Zhubi Congenital ascites occurs when there is increased fluid build-up in the peritoneal cavity of the fetus. It can occur in the setting of non-immune hydrops fetalis (NIHF) or be isolated. HF develops when fluid accumulates in extra-vascular areas and cavities of the fetal body. Examples of HF include a pericardial effusion, pleural effusion, ascites, placental growth and uniform skin thickening or skin edema. Congenital ascites can be diagnosed prenatally by an ultrasound exam, through which we...
Corneal transplantation
Meggy Grgić Corneal transplantation, also known as corneal grafting or keratoplasty is a procedure during which dysfunctional cornea is removed from a patient’s eye and replaced with healthy clear cornea from a donor. Eduard Zirm performed the first successfully full-thickness corneal transplantation more than 100 years ago (1905). Nowadays the cornea is the most successfully transplanted tissue worldwide and one of the most frequent tissue graftings in the Western world. This is especially possible...
Crijevna mikrobiota kod djece s akutnim leukemijama
Vid Ujaković Akutne leukemije predstavljaju najčešću dječju malignost, a definiramo ih kao bolesti, koje karakterizira zastoj sazrijevanja i diferencijacije uz nekontrolirano dijeljenje malignih stanica limfocitnog ili mijeloidnog reda. Znajući da se i do 5% živorođene djece rađa s određenim mutacijama, koje predisponiraju za razvoj leukemije, a samo malen broj ovakve djece i oboli, počeo se razmatrati utjecaj okolišnih čimbenika u two-hit modelima razvoja leukemija. Prva teorija je bila tzv....
Crijevna mikrobiota u pacijenata s poremećajima probavnog trakta
Antonija Mahmutović U ljudskom probavnom sustavu nalazi se više od 100 trilijuna mikroorganizama koji čine crijevnu mikrobiotu što je 10 puta više nego broj svih ljudskih stanica u organizmu. Uspostava i razvoj ekološkog sustava crijevne mikrobiote počinje s rođenjem, a uspostavljena crijevna mikroflora tijekom života je relativno stabilna, no podloţna utjecajima egzogenih i endogenih faktora
(prehrana, korištenje lijekova, bolesti, starenje). Sastav crijevne mikrobiote je specifičan za svaku osobu...
Crtež i slika u psihoterapiji djece i adolescenata
Nika Šlaus Art terapija je disciplina unutar psihoterapije koja se razvila sredinom 20. stoljeća. Koristi umjetnički proces i umjetnička djela kao oblik komunikacije i izražavanja unutarnjih misli i osjećaja. Često je potrebno zaobići verbalnu komunikaciju kako bismo stupili u kontakt s pacijentom, a to upravo čini art terapija. Susreti se mogu odvijati jedan-na-jedan, mogu uključivati partnera ili obitelj ili se odvijati grupno. Kod interpretacije slika i crteža nastalih za vrijeme art...
Anne-Lise Marie Julie Maixant Cryptorchidism is the most common congenital urogenital anomaly seen in male children. The incidence of cryptorchidism varies from 2-4 % in the male infant population and is more common in premature infants. Mechanisms involved in the etiology of this pathology require an understanding of the underlying embryology of testicular descent. The process of testicular decent has been clearly established to occur in two phases: the intra-abdominal phase and the inguino-scrotal phase. Both are...
Current state of hand transplantation
Simon André Wellner The loss of one or both hands causes a major psychological and social impact. Throughout history there have been numerous attempts at trying to restore normal function to the amputated hand by using prosthesis. Hand transplantation was not attempted until 1964 and the first successful hand composite tissue allotransplantation (CTA) was performed in 1998 in Lyon France. Both hand transplantations and prosthetic devices have advantages and limitations. Lifelong immunosuppression is required...
Cystic fibrosis-related diabetes mellitus
Krešimir Schönwald Background: Cystic fibrosis (CF) is autosomal recessive genetic disorder caused by mutations in the CFTR gene. It leads to multisystem complications such as persistent pulmonary infections, pancreatic insufficiency with diabetes, and liver damage, significantly decreasing the quality of life and contributing to morbidity and mortality. This study aims to investigate the prevalence and age of diagnosis of cystic fibrosis-related diabetes (CFRD) in Croatia and explore the connection between...