Sažetak | Cilj istraživanja: Istražiti životne navike učenika srednjih škola koje uključuju
prehranu, konzumaciju alkohola, pušenje cigareta i tjelesnu aktivnost, te utvrditi
eventualne razlike prema spolu i upisanoj srednjoj školi.
Ispitanici i metode: U dvije srednje škole na području grada Zagreba, strukovnoj i
gimnaziji provedeno je ispitivanje među učenicima trećeg i četvrtog razreda.
Ispitivanjem je obuhvaćeno 314 učenika, a provedeno je anonimnim upitnikom.
Rezultati: Značajan broj srednjoškolaca pokazuje loše navike u prehrani: 34,3%
ispitanika ne uzima zajutrak, 36,0% ne jede svakodnevno voće, a 42,5% povrće.
Najveći broj učenika jede slatkiše i grickalice te pije slatka gazirana pića dva do tri
puta tjedno. Kavu pije dvije trećine ispitanih učenika, a puši oko 40%. Više od
četvrtine srednjoškolaca ne bavi se nikakvom tjelesnom aktivnosti. Prema spolu,
utvrđene su samo razlike u konzumaciji gaziranih pića (P=0,021) i alkohola
(P<0,001), mladići češće piju navedeno nego djevojke. Mladići popuše više
cigareta dnevno nego djevojke (P=0,045), ali su tjelesno aktivniji (P<0,001). U
učenika ispitivanih srednjih škola nisu evidentirane razlike u prehrambenim
navikama osim za zajutrak (P=0,001) koji više konzumiraju gimnazijalci i
učestalost pijenja kave (P<0,001) koja je češća u strukovnoj. U gimnaziji je
evidentiran manji broj pušača, a i oni koji puše cigarete, manje popuše u odnosu
na ispitanike u strukovnoj školi (P<0,001). Veći broj gimnazijalaca bavi se
tjelesnom aktivnosti nego učenika strukovne škole (P<0,001).
Zaključak: Značajan broj srednjoškolaca pokazuje loše životne navike. Sukladno
navedenom potrebno je uključiti širu zajednicu i provoditi javnozdravstvene
programe s ciljem usvajanja zdravijeg načina života. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Aim: Explore the habits of high school students that include diet, alcohol
consumption, cigarette smoking and physical activity, and to identify possible
differences in those habits by gender and by enrolled high school.
Subjects and methods: The study included two secondary schools in Zagreb,
vocational high school and gymnasium; and 314 respondents among the students
of the third and fourth grades. It was conducted with anonymous questionnaire.
Results: A significant number of high school students shows bad eating habits:
34.3% of respondents do not eat breakfast, 36.0% do not eat fruit every day, and
42.5% vegetables. The large number of students eat sweets and snacks and drink
sugary soft drinks two or three times a week. Coffee drink two-thirds of the
surveyed students, a 40% students smoke. More than a quarter of high school
students are not engaged in any physical activity. By gender, were found only
differences in the consumption of soft drinks (P = 0.021) and alcohol (P <0.001),
boys are more likely to drink than girls. Boys smoke more cigarettes per day than
girls (P = 0.045), but are more physically active (P <0.001). In the investigated two
schools are not recorded differences in eating habits except for breakfast (P =
0.001) more consumed in gimnasium and the frequency of drinking coffee (P
<0.001) more comsumed in vocational school. Students in gymnasium smoke less
(P<0.001). A larger number of students in gymnasium are engaged in physical
activity than vocational school students (P <0.001).
Conclusion: A significant number of high school students shows bad habits. It is
necessary to involve the wider community and to implement public health
programs so that public would adopt a healthier lifestyle. |