Sažetak | Zdravstveni odgoj u školi danas je vrlo aktualna tema u javnosti Republike Hrvatske. Izrađen je kurikulum i prijedlog metodologije izvođenja, a kako kod nas nikada nije bilo posebne profesije „zdravstveni odgajatelj“, za nositelje i izvođače programa predložene su osobe različitih profila i visokoškolske edukacije. Istraživanja koja su ranije provedena u Hrvatskoj ukazala su na različita mišljenja učitelja, učenika, roditelja i zdravstvenih djelatnika o potrebi njegovog uvođenja kao integriranog ili posebnog predmeta te raznolikost u odgovorima tko bi trebao biti nositelj i izvođač programa. Medicinska sestra je aktivan nositelj zdravstvenog odgoja u praksi. Zdravstveno-odgojni rad integriran je u njen svakodnevan rad, bez obzira radi li na primarnoj, sekundarnoj ili tercijarnoj razini zdravstvene zaštite. Znanja i vještine tog rada medicinska sestra stječe tijekom redovnog srednjoškolskog školovanja, kao i na višim razinama obrazovanja i usavršavanja. Stoga je provedeno istraživanje među studentima prve i druge godine Sveučilišnog studija sestrinstva na Medicinskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu s ciljem da se (1) ispita njihovo zadovoljstvo (do)sadašnjim stanjem zdravstvenog odgoja u školi i mišljenje o radu stručnjaka koji su na različite načine uključeni u njegovo provođenje te (2)istraže stavovi o ulozi medicinskih sestara i tehničara u provođenju zdravstvenog odgoja u školi. Istraživanje je provedeno u lipnju 2013. godine, u vrijeme eksperimentalno uvedenog zdravstvenog odgoja u škole u školskoj godini 2012/2013. U njemu je sudjelovalo 98ispitanika, 48 studenata prve godine diplomskog studija sestrinstva i 50 studenata druge godine (odaziv 78,4%). Instrument u istraživanju bio je anoniman upitnik pripremljen prema ranijim sličnim upitnicima i prilagođen ciljevima ovog istraživanja. Većina ispitanika ima iskustva iz prakse (samo 1% bez radnog staža), a najveći broj njih radi u bolnicama (70,4%).Rezultati pokazuju da je tek 3,1% vrlo zadovoljnih (do)sadašnjim zdravstvenim odgojem u školi, većina (45,9%) ih je djelomično zadovoljnih ili zadovoljnih (17,3%), dok je 29,6%nezadovoljno ili vrlo nezadovoljno (4,1%).Analiza odgovora o cilju zdravstvenog odgoja u školi pokazala je da 59,2% ispitanika smatra da bi to trebao biti razvoj navika i stavova prema zdravlju, 34,7% učenje vještina za zdravi život, a tek 5,1% smatra da bi to trebalo biti informiranje i davanje znanja. U najvećem postotku (39,8%), kao nositelja programa ispitanici - medicinske sestre predlažu medicinsku sestru s dodatnom edukacijom. Na drugom mjestu (31,6%) je zdravstveni odgajatelj, tj. osoba sa specifičnom edukacijom iz tog područja. Većina sestara sebe vidi kao stalnog vanjskog suradnika u programu (53,1%) ili predavača pojedinih tema (31,6%), a10,2% ne vidi svoju ulogu u provođenju zdravstvenog odgoja u školi. Na pitanje o razini obrazovanja medicinskih sestara potrebnoj za provođenje zdravstvenog odgoja u školi, 56,1%njih smatra da je za to potreban završeni diplomski studija sestrinstva i dodatna specifična edukacija o zdravstveno-odgojnim sadržajima. Istraživanje je pokazalo da većina medicinskih sestara ima pozitivan stav prema njihovoj ulozi u provođenju zdravstvenog odgoja u školi te da ih treba uključiti u sadašnje i buduće programe. Stoga je potrebno nastaviti istraživanja na ovom području s ciljem odgovora na pitanja kako i na koji način aktivno uključiti medicinske sestre s različitim iskustvima iz bolničke i izvanbolničke prakse u zdravstveno-odgojni rad u školi. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Health education in schools, is newly, a hot topic in Croatia. The Health education curriculum and suggested methodology of teaching it, has been made, and since there has never been a special profession of “health education teacher”, to hold and teach this subject, high educated people of various profiles have been suggested. The studies that were previously conducted in Croatia, pointed to the different opinions of teachers, students, parents and health professionals on the need for its introduction as an integrated or stand-alone subject, and offered a diversity of opinions on who should hold and teach it. Nurse is an active holder of health education in practice. Health education work is integrated into her every day work, regardless of the fact whether she works at the primary, secondary or tertiary level of health care. Nurse acquires knowledge and skills for the work during her regular secondary education, as well as during higher levels of education and training. Therefore, the study was conducted among students of first and second year of Undergraduate study of nursing at the University of Zagreb - School of medicine in order to (1) examine their satisfaction with the current state of health education in schools and opinions on the work of experts who were involved in various ways of its implementation, and (2) explore attitudes about the role of nurses in the implementation of health education in schools. The survey was conducted in June 2013. , during experimentally introduced subject “Health education”, in schools, in the school year 2012 / 2013. It was attended by 98 participants, 48of them were students of the first year of undergraduate study of nursing and 50 of them were students of the second year of undergraduate study of nursing (response 78,4%). Instrument in the survey was anonymous questionnaire, prepared in accordance with previous similar surveys, and adjusted to the goals of this research. Most survey participants have practical experience (only 1% without work experience), and vast majority of them works in hospitals(70.4%).The results show that only 3.1% is very satisfied with the current health education in schools, the majority (45.9%) ore partially satisfied or satisfied (17.3%), while 29.6% are dissatisfied or very dissatisfied (4.1%). Analysis of the responses to health education in schools showed that 59.2% of participants believe that it should be development of habits and attitudes towards health, 34.7% learning skills for a healthy life, and only 5.1% said that it should begetting information and knowledge. The largest percentage (39.8%), as holder of the program, participants-nurses, suggest a nurse with additional education. In second place (31.6%) is a health educator, or people with specific education in this area. Most nurses see themselves as a permanent external collaborator in the program (53.1%) or a lecturer for certain topics (31.6%), while 10.2% do not see their role in the implementation of health education in schools. When they were asked about the level of education for nurses, needed to conduct health education in schools, 56.1%of them think that it is required for an undergraduate degree of nursing school and additional specific training on health education contents. The research has shown that the most nurses have a positive attitude towards their role in the implementation of health education in schools and that they should be included in current and future programs. Therefore, it is necessary to continue research in this area to address the question of how and in which ways should nurses with different experiences in clinical and non-clinical practice be involved in health education in schools. |