Stručni rad - Uvodnik
Societal changes bring about the imperative to readjust the medical gaze
Croatian Medical Journal, 64 (2023), 3; 147-148.

Barić, Hrvoje

Citirajte ovaj rad

Barić, H. (2023). Societal changes bring about the imperative to readjust the medical gaze. Croatian Medical Journal, 64. (3), 147-148. doi: 10.3325/cmj.2023.64.147

Barić, Hrvoje. "Societal changes bring about the imperative to readjust the medical gaze." Croatian Medical Journal, vol. 64, br. 3, 2023, str. 147-148.

Barić, Hrvoje. "Societal changes bring about the imperative to readjust the medical gaze." Croatian Medical Journal 64, br. 3 (2023): 147-148.

Barić, H. (2023) 'Societal changes bring about the imperative to readjust the medical gaze', Croatian Medical Journal, 64(3), str. 147-148. doi: 10.3325/cmj.2023.64.147

Barić H. Societal changes bring about the imperative to readjust the medical gaze. Croatian Medical Journal [Internet]. 06.2023. [pristupljeno 19.10.2024.];64(3):147-148. doi: 10.3325/cmj.2023.64.147

H. Barić, "Societal changes bring about the imperative to readjust the medical gaze", Croatian Medical Journal, vol. 64, br. 3, str. 147-148, Lipanj 2023. [Online]. Dostupno na: [Citirano: 19.10.2024.]

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