Sažetak | Šećerna bolest tipa 2 je najčešća metabolička bolest današnjice koja je određena lošom ishranom, nedovoljnom fizičkom aktivnošću, genetskom komponentom te u većini slučajeva pretilošću. Povezana je s povećanim morbiditetom i mortalitetom, ponajviše ako oboljele osobe uz nju imaju i druge komorbiditete. Ciljevi koji se nastoje postići se vežu za promicanje zdravlja i zdravog načina života te tako prevenirajući razvoj bolesti dovesti do smanjenja njene globalne incidencije i prevalencije. Ako se bolest ipak razvije, pomoću reedukacije, modifikacije jelovnika, redovite fizičke aktivnosti te farmakoterapije se nastoji izvršiti reverzija zdravstvenog stanja te usporavanje progresije bolesti i prevencija komplikacija. Skupine lijekova koji se danas koriste za terapiju šećerne bolesti tipa 2 su bigvanidi, inzulinski sekretagozi, inhibitori glukozidaze, tiazolidindioni, DPP-4 inhibitori, GLP-1R agonisti, dualni GLP-1R i GIP-R agonisti, SGLT-2 inhibitori te inzulin. Pristup modernim antidijabetičkim lijekovima je uvelike olakšao okolnosti i usporio tijek bolesti, međutim donio posebne izazove sa sobom poput izbora odgovarajućeg terapijskog pristupa, povećanog troška zdravstva te neželjenih učinaka prethodno spomenute terapije. Zadatak moderne medicine je istražiti nuspojave tih lijekova kako bi se prilagođavanjem terapije individualnim potrebama pacijenata ostvarili najbolji mogući rezultati u kontroli bolesti te produžio životni vijek uz poboljšanje životnog standarda osoba sa šećernom bolešću. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Type 2 diabetes is the most common metabolic disease today, which is determined by poor nutrition, insufficient physical activity, a genetic component and, in most cases, obesity. It is associated with increased morbidity and mortality, especially if the affected people also have other comorbidities. The goals that are sought to be achieved are related to the promotion of health and a healthy lifestyle, thus preventing the development of the disease and leading to a decrease in its global incidence and prevalence. If the disease does develop, re-education, modification of the menu, more frequent physical activity, and pharmacotherapy are used to reverse the health condition and slow down the progression of the disease, and prevent complications. The groups of drugs used today for the treatment of type 2 diabetes are biguanides, insulin secretagogues, glucosidase inhibitors, thiazolidinediones, DPP-4 inhibitors, GLP-1R agonists, dual GLP-1R and GIP-R agonists, SGLT-2 inhibitors and insulin. Access to modern antidiabetic drugs greatly eased the circumstances and slowed down the course of the disease, however, it brought with it special challenges such as the choice of an appropriate therapeutic approach, increased healthcare costs, and unwanted effects of the previously mentioned therapy. The task of modern medicine is to investigate the side effects of these drugs in order to achieve the best possible results in controlling the disease by adjusting the therapy to the individual needs of patients and to extend life expectancy while improving the standard of living of people with diabetes. |