
Slaviček, Jasna
Citokini u serumu bolesnika s kroničnim hepatititsom C na hemodijalizi
Boras, Zagorka
Citokinski profil limfocita T iz krvi i bronhoalveolarnog ispirka u bolesnika s plućnom tuberkulozom
Fuštar-Preradović, Ljubica
Citološko predoperacijsko razlikovanje promjena u paratireoidnim žlijezdama
Gjadrov Kuveždić, Koraljka
Citomorfološka i imunocitokemijska analiza u dijagnostici T i B nodalnih i Hodgkinovih limfoma
Qëndresë, Daka
Classification and quantification of risk factors and treatment strategies for ocular hypertension and primary open-angle glaucoma
Ramosaj-Morina, Atifete
Clinical, biochemical and immunogenetical characteristics of celiac disease in Albanian pediatric patients from Kosovo
Skenderi, Faruk
Clinico pathological and molecular characterization of tubulocystic variants of renal tumors
Jakuš, Nina
Combined device therapy for advanced heart failure
Pavlović, Nikola
Comparison of irrigated multi-electrode radiofrequency ablation and point-by-point ablation for pulmonary vein isolation in patients with persistent atrial fibrillation with persistent atrial fibrillation
Sadiku Zehri, Fatlinda
Comparison of pleural lesions using vibrational spectroscopy
Grezda, Kushtrim
Comparison of systemic inflammatory response in patients with trochanteric region fracture fixation with Dynamic Hip Screw versus Proximal Femoral Nail
Šestan, Mario
Contribution of the whole exome sequencing in the identification of genetic variants associated with childhood-onset systemic lupus and IgA vasculitis
