Tranzicija bolesnika s cističnom fibrozom iz pedijatrijske u adultnu medicinsku skrb
Valentina Pongračić Zahvaljujući novim otkrićima u medicini i njihovoj implementaciji u svakodnevnoj praksi, osobe čije su bolesti nekada bile ograničene na dječju dob odrastaju i postaju internistički pacijenti, odnosno događa se tranzicija unutar zdravstvenog sustava. Tranzicija ne bi smjela biti jednokratan događaj već osmišljen, planiran i sveobuhvatan proces u kojem adolescent postupno usvaja znanja o svojoj bolesti, vještine u primjeni terapije, uči proaktivan pristup u očuvanju zdravlja te...
Tranzitorni signali visokog intenziteta u bolesnika s ugrađenim cirkulacijskim crpkama
Vivien Mitrović Zatajenje srca sindrom je multifaktorske etiologije od kojeg boluje 1-2% odrasle populacije. Odsutnost odgovarajućeg broja donora za transplantaciju srca doprinjela je uporabi cirkulacijskih crpki, koje sa sobom nose rizik od komplikacija kao što je tromboza crpke. Transkranijalni Doppler ultrazvuk omogućuje nam detektiranje tranzitornih signala visokog intenziteta u bolesnika s ugrađenim LVAD-om za koje se smatra da predstavljaju mikroemboluse koji potječu iz cirkulacijske crpke.
Trauma patient management: the role of anesthesiologist
Kareem Younis Trauma is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Trauma is caused by external forces that lead to physical injuries. These physical injuries require prompt and comprehensive care to optimize patient outcomes. Trauma care is a medical field that encompasses a range of medical interventions and involves a multidisciplinary approach, with various healthcare providers working together to provide comprehensive treatment, and to address the diverse needs of patients...
Trauma trbuha
Hrvoje Šoljić Trauma trbuha posljedica je djelovanja tupog ili prodornog mehanizma u kojem sila velike
energije zahvaća trbušnu stijenku. Vrsta i stupanj ozljede ovise o mehanizmu i jačini djelovanja
sile, fizičkom stanju bolesnika te vrsti korištenog oružja. Ozljeda može zahvatiti bilo koje tkivo
trbušne šupljine, od kože, mišića i potkožnog tkiva pa sve do solidnih organa i krvnih žila.
Dijagnoza se temelji na anamnezi, kliničkom pregledu, laboratorijskim nalazima i radiološkim
Treatment of PTSD
Borislav Pekez Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) affects individuals that have experienced or witnessed a traumatic event and it affects approximately 7-8 % of the general population. Even more alarming is the PTSD prevalence in military personal throughout the world, with the PTSD prevalence in US combat veterans ranging from 6 to 31%. Severe or untreated PTSD can lead to long- term complications and consequences, including comorbid substance abuse, increased rates of depression and suicide, therefore...
Treatment of cardiac arrhythmias in the emergency department
Haider Walid Sabhan Cardiac arrhythmias, some of the most frequent diagnoses presenting at the emergency department, require a good and thorough understanding and quick recognition in the stressful emergency department environment. Despite dedicating significant time in training to the mechanisms and treatment of cardiac rhythm disturbances, most physicians are uncomfortable and lack confidence when faced with such clinical situations. Therefore, a solid understanding of the different causes and quick action is...
Treatment of diabetic retinopathy
Pierre Paul Francis Marie Haccart Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) is the most common complication of diabetes and is the leading cause of vision-loss in working-age adults in industrialized countries. As the prevalence of diabetes in population worldwide is increasing, the prevalence of DR is also increasing. Reasons leading to the increase prevalence of DR also include the aging of the population and the increase in life expectancy in diabetic patient, duration of disease being one of the main risk factors for the development of...
Treatment of gestational diabetes
Noga Ben Haim Pregnant women with GDM have a higher risk of both short- and long-term consequences and complications, including complications during labor, macrosomia, and T2DM in both the mother and her fetus. Modifiable changes such as physical activity and diet, as well as blood glucose monitoring is essential in dealing with GDM.
The diet suggested for women with GDM should be targeted specifically to each patient and provide enough energy while keeping the normoglycemic range. The aim is to...
Treatment of idiopathic infertility
Priyanka Rani Oseatunro Ugbade Idiopathic infertility is defined as the failure to achieve pregnancy after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse, without a known cause. Idiopathic infertility affects 15-30% of couples trying to conceive. Various aetiologies have been suggested as the cause of idiopathic infertility. In men and women, the immune system plays a role in conception, hence defects in this pathway could be a possible cause. Lifestyle and habits, such as having a high BMI or poor sleep quality, have also...
Treatment of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
Silvija Metelko Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) is a rare complication of controlled ovarian hyperstimulation and ovulation induction that despite better preventative methods, continues to develop in some patients undergoing assisted reproduction. Patients with mild to moderate OHSS can be managed conservatively by reducing ascites and restoring intravascular volume. Patients with severe OHSS are always treated as inpatients and may require admission to the intensive care unit where they can also...
Treatment of patients with post-traumatic stress disorder
Mayan Menashes Post-traumatic stress disorder is a chronic and disabling disorder, which poses a significant public health issue for which existing therapies are only somewhat effective, and ongoing investigation and research are still being conducted to find the most appropriate treatment. The disorder affects 15- 24% of the population who were exposed to a traumatic event in their lifetime. Although 60 percent to 50 percent of men and women, respectively, experienced traumatic or life-threatening...