
Testovi za procjenu ataksije u djece
Testovi za procjenu ataksije u djece
Matea Senta
Glavna funkcija malog mozga je koordinacija pokreta i održavanje ravnoteže. Oštećenjem malog mozga i njegovih veza sa ostalim dijelovima živčanog sustava nastaje ataksija to jest poremećaj koordinacije voljnih pokreta udova i trupa. Simptomi se očituju kao poremećaj održavanja ravnoteže, stajanja, hodanja, sjedenja, koordinacije pokreta udova, poremećajem govora i okulomotoričkim poremećajem. Ataksije se mogu podijeliti s obzirom na uzrok na stečene i nasljedne. Stečene mogu...
Tetralogy of Fallot
Tetralogy of Fallot
Eleas Iecho
Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) is one of the most common cyanotic congenital cardiac malformations and is characterized by four cardinal features: a large VSD; often a dynamic right ventricular outflow tract obstruction (RVOTO); an overriding aorta; and right ventricular hypertrophy (RVH). The severity of the RVOTO, the pressure gradient between the ventricles, and the proportion of the aorta overriding the VSD determine the clinical presentation and the severity of this condition. There...
Teške infekcije središnjeg živčanog sustava u bolesnika zaraženih HIV-om
Teške infekcije središnjeg živčanog sustava u bolesnika zaraženih HIV-om
Višnja Stupin
Teške infekcije SŽS-a u bolesnika zaraženih HIV-om imaju visok morbiditet i mortalitet čak i u eri primjene ART-a. Mogu biti uzrokovane oportunističkim patogenima, samim djelovanjem HIV-a ili nastati u sklopu sindroma imunološke inflamatorne rekonstitucije (engl. Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome, IRIS). U ovom istraživanju obuhvatili smo HIV-om zaražene bolesnike liječene zbog teških infekcija SŽS-a u Zavodu za intenzivnu medicinu i neuroinfektologiju Klinike za...
Teški metali sa svojstvima endokrinih disruptora
Teški metali sa svojstvima endokrinih disruptora
Antonia Dedo
Broj kemijskih tvari kojima su ljudi izloženi tijekom proteklih stotinu godina dramatično se povećao. Međutim, veliki broj kemijskih tvari, prirodnih i sintetiziranih, ima svojstvo imitacije prirodnih hormona. Te kemijske tvari, koje ulaskom u organizam mogu se vezati na hormonske receptore, te na taj način remetiti normalnu funkciju hormona, nazivamo endokrini disruptori. Endokrini disruptori imaju sposobnost oponašanja aktivnosti endogenih hormona i postizanja ekvivalentnih...
The benzodiazepine nation of Croatia: a retrospective, observational, comparative study of psychotropic drug utilization between Croatia and Sweden 2014-2015
The benzodiazepine nation of Croatia: a retrospective, observational, comparative study of psychotropic drug utilization between Croatia and Sweden 2014-2015
Eric Guhyun Nham
BACKGROUND: The consumption of psychotropic drugs (PD) is increasing worldwide with a significant variation between countries. Croatia and Sweden have similar health and pharmaceutical systems; however, Sweden is a high-income country with developed medical care, registries, and prescribing guidelines. We sought to compare the utilization of PD between Croatia and Sweden to identify areas for improvement in rational use of drugs. ----- METHODS: This was a cross-sectional study using national...
The complexity of malnutrition in cystic fibrosis
The complexity of malnutrition in cystic fibrosis
Romana Prskalo
Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is the most common life-limiting genetic disease of Caucasian populations. It is a disease inherited in an autosomal recessive fashion and the defect lies in the gene encoding the cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator (CFTR) - a chloride channel regulating ion transport across the apical surface of secretory epithelial cells. The main clinical manifestations are pancreatic insufficiency and progressive obstructive pulmonary and gastrointestinal disease. Malnutrition in...
The effect of endocrine disruptors on reproductive health
The effect of endocrine disruptors on reproductive health
Dor Yanai
Synthetic chemicals are causing significant environmental contamination in several industrial and agricultural applications. Pesticides, plasticizers, antimicrobials, and flame retardants have positive purposes, but their consequences on human health are a global issue. Endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) can alter hormonal homeostasis, leading to developmental and reproductive problems. Human EDC exposure is linked to obesity, metabolic syndrome, and type 2 diabetes in new in vitro, in...
The effect of general anesthesia on the quality of sleep
The effect of general anesthesia on the quality of sleep
Matea Mataković Trivunčević
General anesthesia is a procedure performed every day worldwide due to numerous surgical and nonsurgical indications. It produces pronounced changes in the patient’s body homeostasis, primarily due to the drugs used to achieve the state of general anesthesia. The most frequent components of general anesthesia are various sedative, analgesic and hypnotic drugs, all of which exert their effects through acting on receptors in the central nervous system. The effects produced by these drugs are...
The ever growing complexity of trophoblast epigenetics
The ever growing complexity of trophoblast epigenetics
Katharina Alexandra Schmidt
Mammalian placentation is closely regulated by the actions of trophoblast cells at the time of implantation. Invasion of trophoblast into uterine tissue is an essential process in placentation and appropriate fetal development. Since human trophoblast is responsible for appropriate fetal growth, it is of major interest in the field of medicine, particularly in understanding how it is influenced by different processes and environmental conditions. This review is sought to give an insight into...
The impact of Covid-19 Epidemic on general population mental health
The impact of Covid-19 Epidemic on general population mental health
Ivana Katarina Grašić
Introduction The Covid-19 epidemic represents general psychosocial stressor, which affected all individuals in given society. The aim of the thesis is to analyze the impact the corona virus disease 2019 (Covid-19) had on mental health, depression, anxiety, suicide, and stress in the general population. Methods The methods used to obtain the articles were through PubMed, with keywords of General population and Covid-19. This review article will analyze and summarize the findings of a few...
The impact of changes in neonatal intensive care practices on short-term outcomes of premature infants
The impact of changes in neonatal intensive care practices on short-term outcomes of premature infants
Anna Mara Hrgetić Vitols
OBJECTIVE: To assess the changes in neonatal care practices at the NICU-UHC Zagreb and their impact on short-term morbidity of a cohort of premature infants. A comparison between two epochs was performed, the periods before and after changes in respiratory support, healthcare professionals' attitudes and practices in supporting and promoting the breastfeeding, and laboratory phlebotomy reduction was introduced. ----- METHODS: We performed a retrospective study to investigate short-term...
The importance of external version in breech presentation on frequency of caesarean section
The importance of external version in breech presentation on frequency of caesarean section
Eva Drevenšek
External cephalic version is a procedure in which fetus is manually turned into a cephalic presentation. Its importance lies in the fact that there is a high rate of caesareans section in breech presentation and this technique is used to achieve a cephalic position in which chances for a vaginal birth increase and the risk of caesarean section can be reduced. It is useful in breech and other non-cephalic presentations. It can be done at term or before term. Although recommended, its use it...
