Ileus uzrokovan žučnim kamencem
Vedrana Verić Ileus uzrokovan žučnim kamencem rijetka je komplikacija bilijarne bolesti definirana kao mehanička opstrukcija dijela gastrointestinalnog sustava žučnim konkrementom s najčešćom lokalizacijom u ileocekalnoj valvuli i/ili terminalnom ileumu. Obično se javlja u starijoj životnoj dobi, a sklonije su mu žene nego muškaraci te osobe s određenim pridruženim bolestima poput diabetesa mellitusa i/ili divertikularne bolesti kolona. Simptomi kao što su bol u abdomenu, nadutost, mučnina...
Image-guided minimally invasive treatment of liver tumors
Christopher Lambers Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the 6th most common cause of cancer worldwide and contributes to 9% of the global mortality burden attributed to cancer. The limited options of classic systemic cancer therapies, the strict criteria for surgical resection and the global shortage of donor organs for transplantation have led to a search for alternative treatment modalities. Local image-guided, minimally invasive therapies have successfully filled the gap as therapeutic options for HCC,...
Immune response to SARS-Cov-2 infection in at risk populations
Barak Kesner This paper concerns itself with the topic of SARS-CoV-2, the immune system, their relationship and the risk factors that might be involved and affect the eventual prognosis of a person having the disease. With a wide range of symptomatology and a pathophysiology that is still not completely clear. The only medical treatment currently available today is Dexamethasone which is given to hospitalized patients with respiratory difficulties and how exactly does dexamethasone act in this context is...
Impact of Covid-19 on HLA antibody profile in renal transplant recipients
Marina Kljajić Exposure to different tissues such as in organ transplantation, pregnancy, or blood transfusions, can result in the production of antibodies against human leukocyte antigens (HLA). It has been demonstrated that the presence of anti-HLA donor-specific antibodies (DSA) among renal transplant recipients is a substantial risk factor for graft deterioration. The novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) brought on by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has been...
Impact of genetic background and molecular mechanisms on Prader-Willi syndrome phenotype
Patrick Michael Galvano Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) is a complex disorder with a vast variable clinical presentation, resulting from the loss of paternally inherited genes on chromosome 15q11-q13. The loss of expression of one or more genes located within the PWS critical region results in the various phenotypes. PWS can occur via three different distinct genetic mechanisms including paternal deletion of the 15q11-q13, maternal uniparental disomy (mUPD), or imprinting defects. Although there are some clinical...
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the surgical treatment of a patient with colorectal carcinoma
Antonio Pudić Colorectal carcinoma (CRC), also called large bowel cancer, is a malignant neoplasm of the mucosal lining of the colon, rectum, or both. Colorectal cancer has been investigated for decades and despite of the scientific effort or the fast-developing new medical technologies, this disease, which demonstrates a very complex and multifactorial set of causes in its development, remains an important cause of morbidity and mortality globally. In March 2020 the WHO declared the infection with...
Implementacija i primjena norme ISO standard 9001:2008 kroz ordinaciju medicine rada
Irijana Rajković Želja i potreba za boljom optimizacijom posla, pružanjem višeg nivoa standarda kvalitete usluge te boljom pozicijom na tržištu ukazala je na potrebu implementacije ISO Standarda 9001: 2008 koji predstavlja određeni internacionalni standard koji daje sigurnost i povjerenje kupcu.
Ovaj rad prikazuje uspješnu implementaciju, primjenu i pozitivno poslovanje kao rezultat uvođenja ISO Standarda 9001:2008 u ordinaciju medicine rada čiji rezultat je doveo do utilizacije i optimizacija...
Importance of heart ultrasound in pulmonary embolism diagnostic algorithm
Ivan Beluškov Pulmonary embolism (PE) is according to the Guidelines on the diagnosis and management of acute pulmonary embolism a common cardiovascular emergency. By occluding the pulmonary arterial bed it may lead to acute life-threatening but potentially reversible right ventricular failure. PE is a difficult diagnosis that may be missed because of non-specific clinical presentation. PE is not a disease on its own rather it is a complication of other systemic hypercoagulability states; Such as deep...
Imuna trombocitopenija
Paula Kilić Imuna trombocitopenija (ITP) je stečena, imunološki posredovana bolest odraslih i djece, čija
je glavna karakteristika, prolazni ili trajni, različiti stupanj trombocitopenije. Broj trombocita
manji od 100 x 109/L uzima se kao granična vrijednost za dijagnozu ITP-a. Dijeli se na
primarnu i sekundarnu. Primarna ITP je ona koja se javlja bez poznatog uzroka, dok je
sekundarna nastala temeljem podležeće osnovne bolesti. Klinička slika varira od
asimptomatskih formi, preko mukokutanih...
Imuni i neimuni fetalni hidrops
Romana Jurić Fetalni hidrops označava nakupljanje tekućine u najmanje dva različita fetalna prostora, kao što su trbušna šupljina, pluća, srce ili koža. Ovo stanje može biti uzrokovano različitim etiološkim čimbenicima, imunološke ili neimunološke prirode.
Imuni fetalni hidrops nastaje kao posljedica hemolitičke bolesti fetusa, koju uzrokuju majčina protutijela koja napadaju fetalne eritrocite. Najčešći uzrok ovog oblika hidropsa je RhD aloimunizacija, pri kojoj majčino tijelo...
Imunizacija nedonoščadi
Andreja Hrvačić Nedonoščad su novorođenčad rođena prije punih 37 tjedana gestacije. Zbog svoje
nedonošenosti imaju povećan mortalitet i morbiditet. Razvojem neonatologije
poboljšano je preživljenje nedonoščadi, ali se nije postiglo dovoljno po pitanju zaštite od
bolesti za koje postoje cjepiva. Infekcije su tako ostale značajan zdravstveni problem
ove osjetljive skupine koji može ostaviti dugotrajne posljedice. Naime, nezrelost
imunološkog sustava i nedovoljan prijenos majčinih...