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The assessment of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes in invasive apocrine carcinoma of the breast in relation to the HER2 status
Biomolecules and Biomedicine, 24 (2024), 2; 256-261. https://doi.org/10.17305/bb.2023.9868

Gatalica, Zoran; Kuzmova, Nataliya; Rose, Inga; Ulamec, Monika; Perić-Balja, Melita; Skenderi, Faruk; Vranic, Semir

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Gatalica, Z., Kuzmova, N., Rose, I., Ulamec, M., Perić Balja, M., Skenderi, F. i Vranic, S. (2024). The assessment of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes in invasive apocrine carcinoma of the breast in relation to the HER2 status. Biomolecules and Biomedicine, 24. (2), 256-261. doi: 10.17305/bb.2023.9868

Gatalica, Zoran, et al. "The assessment of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes in invasive apocrine carcinoma of the breast in relation to the HER2 status." Biomolecules and Biomedicine, vol. 24, br. 2, 2024, str. 256-261. https://doi.org/10.17305/bb.2023.9868

Gatalica, Zoran, Nataliya Kuzmova, Inga Rose, Monika Ulamec, Melita Perić Balja, Faruk Skenderi i Semir Vranic. "The assessment of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes in invasive apocrine carcinoma of the breast in relation to the HER2 status." Biomolecules and Biomedicine 24, br. 2 (2024): 256-261. https://doi.org/10.17305/bb.2023.9868

Gatalica, Z., et al. (2024) 'The assessment of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes in invasive apocrine carcinoma of the breast in relation to the HER2 status', Biomolecules and Biomedicine, 24(2), str. 256-261. doi: 10.17305/bb.2023.9868

Gatalica Z, Kuzmova N, Rose I, Ulamec M, Perić Balja M, Skenderi F, i sur.. The assessment of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes in invasive apocrine carcinoma of the breast in relation to the HER2 status. Biomolecules and Biomedicine [Internet]. 11.03.2024. [pristupljeno 22.06.2024.];24(2):256-261. doi: 10.17305/bb.2023.9868

Z. Gatalica, et al., "The assessment of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes in invasive apocrine carcinoma of the breast in relation to the HER2 status", Biomolecules and Biomedicine, vol. 24, br. 2, str. 256-261, Ožujak 2024. [Online]. Dostupno na: https://urn.nsk.hr/urn:nbn:hr:105:253311. [Citirano: 22.06.2024.]

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